Just received a phone call from an unknown number.
Picked it up.

Me: Hello.
Unknown: Hi, this is Ean from Hitz.fm.
Me: Oh hello !!!! *feeling excited*
Ean: Hi there, how are you? What are you doing this Sunday?
Me: I have nothing on, thats why I submitted my application for Hitz.fm Hari Sukan.
Ean: Can you attend the Hari Sukan this Sunday?
Me: Yes! *almost shouting*
Ean: All right, we'll see you there !

*feeling ecstatic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Again I submitted the application almost at the eleventh hour (today is the last day).
And again I got through,, weehooo..

The whole bunch of hitz.fm crew will be there!
If you are free this Sunday, make your way to Sports Barn, PJ

For more updates, please log on to Hitz.fm


Yes, I got it !!
I got it!!
I got it !!!!
*jumping up and down while my mom and sis look at me wondering have i struck a lottery*
Heck, this is way better than winning a lottery. No, wait. Lottery is better *shy*
But, this is as good as lottery !!

OK OK, I'm being over excited right here *a moment of self-indulgence*

Can't believe it. I submitted my application on the last day and by night fall, a person from the association called me, confirming my application and says "CONGRATULATION, YOU ARE ACCEPTED INTO THE PROGRAM".
*so efficient*

Well, I guess you must be wondering what is the program all about.
There you go folks.

The fun part of it is that the venue will be kept secret until the actual day!
Yes, will be so so looking forward to that.

Countdown to IWJune09: 8 days 6 hours


Received an email just now, informing me that my email address has won me USD4.6 million !!!!..Wooohoooo.. *already dreaming in wonderland*

Yea right. If I am really that lucky to have won USD 4.6 million,I probably would have been in Dubai or the Caribbean island drinking fruit punch at the hotel pool.

This is not the first time my email has literally ‘won’ X million of USD.

Once my name (Yes! My full unedited name) appeared on a letter convincing me I had won RM XX juta, asking me to collect the money by banking them money as deposit (lousy trick).

The letter.

Hey, I'm a millionaire !!

And damn that letter was really really good but...really, who would have fallen into their trap?

So word of cautious for you out there, please be careful.

Wow, can't believe that I started my own blog!

Well, since many of my friends are bloggers,they have been persuading me for some time now (LV, Nic, TC, WS, CK etc).

So, its time for me to blog too.. to share my experiences, thoughts and laughter...
hehe..actually is to get freebies and attend cool parties.. XD

Well its my first entry, don’t really have an idea of what to blog yet.

I’m actually tired and sleepy due to excessive caffeine and laughter from yesterday’s birthday celebration.

Hope to get an early night sleep tonight.

And tomorrow will be a fun day with lots of singing and dancing .. weeeeee

Then, at night is off to Subang to attend cousin bro’s wedding dinner.
Its gonna be a tiring day...

Till then, me, signing off for the first time. Ciao !

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